The Abstract submission for the XII. European Symposium on Poultry Genetics 2023 is closed!
Abstract submission: 05 June 2023 -> extended until June 19 2023
Reviewing: until mid-July 2023
Notification to authors: as of mid-July 2023
End of early bird registration: July 21, 2023
Application for a PhD Award
Our mission is to support scientists in the early stages of their careers and to encourage their participation in conferences. The best three abstracts from young scientists who have either not yet completed their PhD or whose PhD was completed no more than three years ago will be selected by the scientific committee and presented by the submitters in the PhD Award session. For the selected presenters, registration fees and two nights’ accommodation will be sponsored by the symposium. If you meet the requirements and would like to apply for a PhD Award, please submit an abstract. Please then send a short CV in addition to your abstract to
Poster presentation
All submitted abstracts will be presented as a poster in A0 format, portrait. Each presenter will give a short introduction of the poster orally in the poster session with one slide. Further instructions will follow after acceptance of the abstract by the Scientific Committee.